How the Age Management Revolution is Transforming the Lives of Millions of Men

Andropause – often referred to as ‘male menopause’ is the term given to the decrease of testosterone that men experience as they age. Fluctuating and declining hormone levels are a normal part of the aging process – but it’s possible to prevent it from inhibiting your enjoyment of life.

Although testosterone levels gradually decrease from around the age of 30, lifestyle factors such as failing to eat healthily and take regular exercise can accelerate the decline. However, revolutionary personalized hormone treatments are changing the face of how we can expect to age.

Do you think you’re experiencing andropause? Don’t suffer when there is a solution: contact NuLife Institute now at (305) 400-0005 for a FREE consultation.

So what are the symptoms of andropause? How do you know if you have a testosterone deficiency? There are some common factors:

  • A decrease in cognitive reasoning and skills

  • Feeling unmotivated

  • Weight gain

  • Poor sleep quality

  • Low mood

  • Lack of energy

  • Declining bone mass

  • Decreasing muscle mass

  • Loss of physical strength

  • Erectile dysfunction

Get Older, Keep Your Edge

Here’s the thing: we’re used to the idea that declining health, sexual vitality, muscular strength, and mental acuity are part and parcel of ‘the natural aging process.’ As a result, doctors see little reason to intervene and provide treatment as a matter of course.

If any of this resonates with you, take heart – you’re not alone. Studies suggest that one in four men over the age of 30 has a testosterone deficiency.

But hormone deficiency – including declining testosterone levels – can be treated effectively. In the right hands, it’s possible to go from feeling in the grips of old age to experiencing a whole new lease of life. In other words, if you think it’s too late for a chiseled six-pack of abs, think again.

Speak to one of our expert physicians today at (305) 400-0005 and learn more about how hormone treatments can help to treat andropause – fast.

Groundbreaking Treatments

Increasingly, people are turning to Age Management specialists like NuLife Institute for help. Age Management and hormone rebalancing is an area of medicine that requires meticulous investigation and expertise to provide treatment that is tailored to the precise needs of the patient.

Using leading-edge diagnostic technology, your NuLife physician will produce a proprietary Internal Blueprint™ – a complete and comprehensive overview of your unique physiology.

Your NuLife doctor can then begin a hormone treatment program augmented with any other dietary, fitness, or medical requirements you have. At NuLife Institute, we use only bioidentical hormones for fast, optimal results: you’ll notice the difference within days of commencing treatment.

Feel Younger in Days

Can’t wait to start feeling younger? NuLife Institute is the recognized expert in Age Management in the Miami area. Our doctors have decades of clinical experience, and no one is better equipped to change the way you age for the better. Ready to get started? Call now at (305) 400-0015 and schedule a FREE consultation.

Meet The Doctor

Dr. Frank J. Welch - hormone therapy specialist

Dr. Frank J. Welch. M.D.

Medical Director

Dr. Frank Welch truly believes that we can slow down the aging process and enjoy a much fuller life with the proper balance of hormone levels, diet, nutrition, and exercise.

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